VIP汇率200点大优惠 VIP Super Excellent Exchange Rate

   全球汇兑 Global Forex    2021-01-20 05:21:04


凡单笔汇款金额大于等于rmb 10w,即可享受普通汇率上浮200个点的超优汇率。比如:普通汇率4.88,VIP汇率即为4.90。
人兑澳反向交易亦是如此。交易金额大于等于rmb 10w,即可享受普通汇率下浮100个点的超优汇率。比如:普通汇率4.88,VIP汇率即为4.86。


To thank our loyal customrrs, Global Exchange will launch VIP super-excellent exchange rates from today.

Any single remittance amount greater than or equal to RMB 10w can enjoy an excellent rate of 200 points above the ordinary rate. For example: the ordinary rate is 4.88, and the VIP rate is 4.90.

The same thing applies to opposite exchanges. Any single transaction amount that is greater than or equal to RMB 10w, can enjoy an excellent rate of 100 points lower than the ordinary rate. For example: the ordinary rate is 4.88, and the VIP exchange rate is 4.86.